Apex Curtain for 2022. Welcome to your Forever Home. This beauty at its highest point is nearly 3 metres and Datum Lines over 2 metre/s. Customer wanted Apex Curtains made on the outside recess! Not easy, but I had a plan. Let the design journey begin.
Making Apex Curtains are hard work. Trust me. So many secrets in the fabric, endless patterns and then sign off stages. Frame building for the Apex Curtains. This design journey was my complete vision.
Four Phased Installs. We have become experts in making precise Framework. Working from measure of initial Home Visit a pattern is made, this is then worked further to customers exact requirements. Second phase is placing Framework in place. Phase Three is a mock half Apex Curtain for customer to sign off and get a real insight into how Finished Apex Curtain will look. Phase Four is Final Install of Apex Curtains with Tiebacks.
Very pleased with our bedroom apex curtains – Helena was fantastic throughout the design, production and installation process and made every effort to ensure that we were happy with the end result.
Customer Testimony
Handmade Apex Curtains with Framework and Tie Backs. Established in December 2022. Designed, Fitted, Installed by Helena and Stuart.