Beautiful Home need finishing touches and Roman Blinds are a very complimentary choice when your windows have character and need a modern traditional softness. This beautiful kitchen just screamed Roman Blinds on Two Kitchen Windows and One Door.
Installation day was upon us, and we had a new approach for fixing the Roman Blind to a Door. We are full of ideas, and I cannot disclose exactly what we did but let’s just say the operation with a bit of thought and common sense is now perfect. On the Two Windows One Roman Blind was Inside Recess and the Second was Outside Recess. The reason for this was to make the Main Kitchen Window (outside recess) Roman Blind to create the illusion that the window is larger and the focus while the second window (inside recess) was to gently sit in the room and compliment the adjacent Door Roman Blind. We were extremely pleased with this overall finish in the Kitchen and my customer loved how the Roman Blinds created the effect they had been trying to achieve for so long.
What a transformation. Thank you, Helena.
Customer Testimony
Three sets of Handmade Roman Blinds Installed and Fitted, established in June 2021.